So your roommate is kind of a mess. She leaves food laying around for what feels like ages. She brings dirty animals into your home to wipe themselves off on the carpet. She even sneezes without covering her mouth. I know. Gross. But…how gross is she really? Scientifically speaking, I mean. That’s what I’m here to help you figure out.
As humans, our everyday lives are dependent on and highly affected by these itty-bitty, often single-celled, living things called microorganisms, or microbes. Bacteria, fungi and viruses (like E. coli, yeast and the flu, respectively) are all examples of common microbes. They’re all around us, all the time—in the air we breathe, on the surfaces we touch, and even on the insides of our own bodies!
Why do we care though?
By going to my blog page, you can learn more about the microbes your roommate invites into your home.
If you’re interested in some more in depth background information on the good, the bad and the ugly of these little guys, check out the pages linked below.